

We Help You Sell With Sound

Hoosier Lottery “Mom’s Idea” – Laughlin Constable

True Value Lawncare Hero – Tessa Films

Festival Foods “Jogger” – Tessa Films

Wounded Warrior Project – Ky Dickens

ESPN – Loud

Fram – Frampa / Speakers

McDonald’s – Good Things

Porsche – Technology

Inspira Health Network – What Does Inspiration Sound Like?

NCADA – All American Girl (PSA)

Fram – Frampa Haircut

Porsche – Drama

St. Louis Children’s – The Wish

Kodak Professional TriX- John Minihan

“Great collaborators and some of the nicest guys in the industry. Craig and Sam always find a way to elevate the music for our TV spots and do it in ways we didn’t even think of when we brought them the project.”
Mike Beamer, FCB - Creative Director
“Mix Kitchen not only rocks and rolls, but they also disco and waltz if you want them to. Superbly talented, utterly professional, and totally cool owners and staff.”
Daniel Patton - Writer/Photographer/Editor/Drummer
“My go-to audio professionals. The best in Chicago, hands down.”
Brian Sparker - Web Design
“Muchas gracias!
Maritza Hernandez, Hernandez & Garcia, LLC. - Executive Creative Director
“Where highly creative meets highly proficient, true professionals, and everyone goes away happy.”
Anne Siwek, The Colonie Editorial - Producer
“Working with Sam and Craig is an absolute joy. They’re super talented and great at bringing their own take to the process. “
Tom Pastorelle, The Colonie -Editor
“Whenever we work with Mix Kitchen, we know we'll be getting exceptional service. They're life savers”.
Colleen Fahey, Sixième Son - US Managing Director
“Craig’s Music makes everything better! Craig's compositions are so good, he raises me up”!
Kate Wrobel, Director/Editor